How to Set Up Security Measures at Work to Protect Victims of Domestic Violence
Domestic violence often enters the workplace. We’ve seen this time and time again. So what can we do about it? How can we prevent more workplace tragedies and better protect victims of domestic abuse at their work?
There are many simple but highly effective measures that any workplace can take to create a safe and supportive environment. If domestic violence is a concern, having the proper safety measures in place can help save a life. This is also why it is so important that if we think we hear something, see something, or know something, that we speak up.
Here are some of the best ways to set up security measures, make the workplace safe, and protect those experiencing domestic violence.
1. Make sure you educate all managers and employees on the warning signs of domestic violence. Print out our free resources and display them in highly visible or trafficked areas of the workplace, such as washrooms and lunch areas.
2. Provide regular domestic violence training. Even when people are aware of the warning signs, oftentimes, they are afraid to say or do anything, or they don’t know what to do or say. Training employees on the best course of action is invaluable and can help save lives. We offer different training options, including free training.
3. Ensure the workplace has a clear policy on domestic violence. This is something every single workplace should have, as it can make all the difference when dealing with a domestic abuse situation. If yours doesn’t yet have one, talk to your manager so they create one. If you are the manager, take the necessary steps to implement a police.
4. Set up a security safety plan. You never know when an employee may suddenly need an active safety plan in place to help protect her from an abusive partner. Having one in place and ensuring everyone necessary knows the appropriate steps to take can be a literal lifesaver. Items such as flexible working hours or environment, blocked phone calls, more secure entryways and additional security are items that can be crucial.
5. Ask the victim what she needs most. This might seem obvious, but make sure that you are regularly checking in with the employee to see what it is she needs. It might mean time off, the ability to work from home temporarily, or an escort to her car.
Let us know if your workplace has a safety plan and domestic violence policy in place. If not, send this page to your manager to help them get started.